Support Services for International Agencies and Institutions
Seminars, Conferences and Training Workshops
Four regional workshops in West Africa on ECD policy planning (Nouakchott, Mauritania; Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and Dakar, Senegal, 2002 to 2004).
Presentation on Recommendations on Policy Planning and Evaluation for Achieving Education for All (UNESCO, Paris, 2001).
Presentations on Secondary and Youth Education Reform 1) Oman, UNESCO, 2003, 2) Mauritius, UNESCO, 2001.
Presentation on ECD Policy Planning (Asmara, Eritrea, 28-31 October 2002).
Education Models for the Reconstruction of Societies (Diálogo Mayor de la Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia, 2004).
Presentation and Panel on ECD Policy Planning (Accra, Ghana, June, 2005).
Workshop on Infant Stimulation in Honduras (7 July 2005).
Presentation on education in conflict situations, University of Ibagué, Colombia (26 August 2005).
Closing presentation at the Conference on Children and Youth, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia (31 August 2005).
Presentation Some Approaches for Financing ECD at the Consultative Group for Early Childhood Care and Development, Paris, France (15 September 2005).
Presentation on ECD Finance at the Annual Meeting of the Consultative Group for Early Childhood Care and Development (26 October 2006).
Presentation on International Perspectives on Early Childhood Development at the Conference on Latin and the Caribbean: Childhood Comes First, Fundaçao Abrinq, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 6 to 8 November, 2006.
ECD Policy Trade-Offs and Finance, presentation at the 2007 African Launch of the Education For All Global Monitoring Report, Dakar, Senegal, 27 to 29 November 2006.
Planning ECD in a Megalopolis, Conference to Consult 1,400 ECD specialists and parents regarding the ECD Policy for Bogotá, Colombia, Federal District Department for Social Welfare, 6 December 2006.
Agencies Served through RISE Advisory Services
Asian Development Bank Institute
Association for Development of Education in Africa: Working Group for Early Childhood Development
Bernard van Leer Foundation
Catholic Relief Services
Christian Children's Fund
CINDE-International Center for Education and Human Development, Colombia
Consultative Group for Early Childhood Care and Development
Department of Social Welfare, Bogotá, Colombia
Fundaçao Abrinq
Global Forum for Health Research
Inter-American Development Bank
Red del Grupo Consultivo para la Primera Infancia en Amßrica Latina
Rosario University
Save the Children/USA
University of Ibagué
World Bank
Serving Parents and Children in Countries with Violent Conflict or Poverty